Well, anyway! On to my resolutions/goals for the coming semester and maybe even beyond:
- Keep organized: I gave up bringing a binder to school in my senior year because all my notes and papers would end up somewhere deep in my bag anyway, never to be seen again. My notebooks were overflowing and falling apart by the end of the year, and you can imagine my despair when it came to collecting notes to study for finals (hint: I didn't even try). So this time round I'll try to take notes in class and keep them neatly organized so I can easily find them again whenever I need them. I've started a BulletJournal recently (will probably make a post about that sometime too), so maybe that will also help structuring my days and tasks and everything.
- NOT cram: My mistake in high school was that if I would study for an exam, I would probably do it two days before. But most of the time I wouldn't... Which reflected in my grades, whoops. I've heard a few people recommend that you should revise two hours for every unit of a class you're taking. I have four classes this semester so that makes eight hours a week. Time to channel my inner broadway star.
- Keep a steady sleep pattern: Lately there hasn't been a day I went to bed before 2 a.m. and you didn't see me out until 1 p.m. which sucks a lot because while I hate getting up early, I love being up early and getting stuff done and whatnot. Also with my daily commute of ~2 hours I'll definitely have to get up much earlier than that. (I'm lucky my classes start at 10 though. I wouldn't survive if I had to get up earlier than 6.)
- Eat clean: Right now I will stuff myself with junkfood one day, and be way too full the next to even look at anything remotely edible. That won't do. Also, I'm going to try and not spend too much money at the cafeteria. So that means having a proper breakfast at home and packing myself a healthy lunch every day~
- Be nice: I wish this didn't have to be a point, but unfortunately I've neglected this a little during school. So in college I'm going to try and be as sociable as possible (without being a doormat, of course), make lotsa friends and get on the good side of my professors~
That's it for now, maybe I'll think of more later~!
What about you guys? Tell me about your resolutions and how you're keeping them up!